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from “forever all”
from “divinity”
scroll comic
from “Grace”
vertical fold comic
from “We.”
24 hour comic
from “Trajectory”
three dimensional comic
from “Trajectory”
three dimensional comic
from “Trajectory”
three dimensional comic
from Peoplings: Autism, Education, and the Savage of Aveyron, Vol. 1
graphic novel
w/ Courtney Angermeier
from Peoplings: Autism, Education, and the Savage of Aveyron
graphic novel
w/ Courtney Angermeier
from The Salmonilla Chronicles Vol. 1
graphic novel
w/ Enrique Martinez
from “Roadies”
24 hour comic
from “Roadies”
24 hour comic
from “12,000 Stars”
short comic in compilation
Yesterday and Maybe Tomorrow Too